January 9, 2011

Exhibition in Tallinn

Dear Queering Yerevan,

I am Rebeka Põldsam from Estonia. I've tracked your blog now and then for almost two years now. I understand, that you are a queer activist group with queering/researching Armenian (hi)stories and also making art.

I am writing to you as a curator of an exhibition "Untold Stories. The Queer and the Political" May-June 2011 in Tallinn Art Hall. I am co-curating it with Airi Triisberg and Anders Härm. At the moment we are looking for artists from Post-Soviet and Eastern Europe. It's the first large politicy-oriented exhibition on queer topic in Estonia. We are making it a queer-political contemporary art exhibition which focuses on lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans stories - what is life as one of them, what is lesbian parenting, how do LGBTQI community members live in homophobic and heteronormative world etc.

Could you recommend us any artists, including yourself, who have worked with queer topics in socially/politically active ways? All the questions and comments are very welcome too!

Hope to hear from You soon!

Best wishes,
Rebeka Põldsam


  1. "also making art" -- who knew? lus, giteir vor sents baner es anum? ba mi hat aseir, yes el imanai. te che sents urishnerits em imanum, lav chi . .

  2. I obviously didn't want to insult anyone with this passage...
