September 16, 2008

Հոդված՝ մեր մասին...կամ արդյո՞ք մեր...Հոդված Վահան Իշխանյանի մասին....

Վահան Իշխանյանի հոդվածն է լույս տեսել ArmeniaNow-ում.

Իմ շատ կարճ ու հապճեպ արձագանքը, որը սակայն ինչ–ինչ պատճառներով չի տպվում իրենց մեկնաբանությունների բաժնում։

My brief and immediate response to Vahan Ishkhanyan's article, which for some reason doesn't show up in their "Readers' comments" section:

From a Woman of Zarubyan

I am one of the women of Zarubyan, and I am not homosexual. The article is full of misconstructions, misconceptions and mistakes. Here's a very schematic outline of what I pinned down:

1. The project was not about coming out, neither about being lesbian and Armenian. It about a specifically queer perspective, trying to negotiate the boundaries of visibility and invisibility.
2. Is it with Shushan's agreement that her identity is being disclosed?
3. Lusine is not an art critic. She is an artist.
4."Women of Zarubyan" don't construct their identities in fear. The fear factor is overused here in order to exotisize them while labeling.
5.Lusya's work is about sensual, intersubjective communication through whispering and touching. There is no fear in it.
6."She was supposed to inform Lusine’s mother in a performance about her daughter’s orientation by phone, but did not because of fear." - THERE WAS NEVER SUCH PLAN-to inform Lusine's mother....
7. Alina was the first time in Yerevan in July-August. How could she have problematic reputation and in addition, to go to clubs in spring.


1 comment:

  1. պատրիարխները մեզ երբեք էլ չեն հասկանա. չեն պատկերացնի. չեն թարգմանի, քանի որ իրենց թարգմանությունը արվում է իրենց լեզվով իրենց լեզվի համար . .
